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Pulkit Sharma

Project Manager

Pulkit Sharma, a passionate individual from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, who brings a stellar combination of dedication, personal growth, and a customer-focused mindset to our team.

his strengths and weaknesses, allowing him to approach challenges from a different perspective.Pulkit highlights that one of his significant achievements was his involvement with the Service Selection Board and interviews for the Indian Defense forces, including the Army, Navy, Airforce, and Coastguard. The demanding selection process helped him evolve as an individual and analyze himself at an atomic level. By reflecting on his own psychology, deciphering his mental abilities, mastering effective communication, and reassessing his physical capabilities, it has developed for him a professional experience spanning over 7 years. The process of meeting new people, enduring rigorous assessments, and embracing the Indian Army's motto of "service before self" has nurtured his customer-centric approach to problem-solving. This approach equips him to tackle all problem statements and user stories with a focus on meeting the needs of the users.

Pulkit's life journey has been filled with valuable life lessons. His passion for staying fit, exploring spirituality's connection with modern science, and his commitment to self-improvement have shaped him into the person he is today. Through his experiences, he has gained a deeper understanding of both

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